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Version: 2024.2

Adding Object Layout Types

Note: This feature is available since v6.6.1

With plugins, it is also possible to add individual layout types for Pimcore Objects. Following steps are necessary to do so:

  1. Create a PHP class for server-side implementation: This class needs to extend Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Layout and defines which settings your data type has and how it is read for the Pimcore Admin Ui.

    For examples have a look at the Pimcore core layout types at github.

  2. Create JavaScript class for Class Definition editor: This JavaScript class defines the config options in class editor.

    It needs to extend pimcore.object.classes.layout.layout, be located in namespace pimcore.object.classes.layout and named after the $fieldtype property of the corresponding PHP class.

    For examples have a look at the Pimcore core layout types at

  3. Create JavaScript class for object editor: This JavaScript class defines the representation of the layout type in the object editor. You can use very simple ExtJS elements here.

    It needs to extend pimcore.object.abstract, be located in namespace pimcore.object.layout and named after the $fieldtype property of the corresponding PHP class.

    For examples have a look at the Pimcore core layout types at

  4. Register a layout type in Pimcore by extending the configuration. This can be done in any config file which is loaded (e.g. config/config.yaml), but if you provide the layout type with a bundle you should define it in a configuration file which is automatically loaded.


    # config/config.yaml

    myLayoutType: \App\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Layout\MyLayoutType
  5. Add your layout type in the context menu of the Class Definition editor. You can do this via the JavaScript UI events.

    Here is an example:

    document.addEventListener(, (e) => {
    if (e.detail.allowedTypes.root !== undefined) {

    You can also add the layout type to any currently supported layout types by using this code snippet:

    for (let layout in allowedTypes) {
    if (allowedTypes[layout] !== undefined
    && allowedTypes[layout].length > 0
    ) {